Crate and Pulleys#

content/public/007.Momentum and Impulse/Impulse/Crate and Pulleys/CrateandPulleys.png

On a pulley system, there is a crate with a mass of \(m_A = {{params.mA}} \ \rm{kg}\), and another crate \(m_B = {{params.mB}} \ \rm{kg}\). Both are released from rest.

Part 1#

What is the speed of crate A after \(t= {{params.t}} \ \rm{s}\)?

Answer Section#

Please enter in a numeric value in \(\rm{m/s}\).

Part 2#

What is the speed of crate B after \(t= {{params.t}} \ \rm{s}\)?

Answer Section#

Please enter in a numeric value in \(\rm{m/s}\).


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